Friday, January 17, 2014

Tone Up Your Abs and Refresh Your Skin....Naturally

Aloha to my readers!

Happy New Year to you! I really apologize for this blog being so late, but we are moving our home and I am finding it hard to get enough time online. I hope that you all received the bonus e-book you should have received today "Quick Start to Weight Loss," written by Michael Geary, who is a nutritionist and personal trainer, and really knows what he is talking about. You have always heard beauty is from the inside out, right? Well, it is so true, you are what you eat! I could eat Pizza every night for a week! And absolutely love it! All I need to do is eat the foods that help to burn fat, and have my pizza one night a week that I give myself to cheat!!

What was really interesting to me is that you want to workout prior to eating. There are a few reasons for this. When you workout you raise your metabolism.The best time to work out is in the morning and eat your post work out meal after that.What you eat after your work out is the MOST Important meal of your day! The book itself that you now have in your possession gets very technical and tells you exactly why you need to replenish the carbs and muscle glycogen. By doing a full body 5 minute workout, yes even that short, will keep your metabolism burning those calories away at a faster rate for the whole day!

What do you love to do? I love to dance! I have always loved to dance. I just plain love music and dancing. What a great stress reliever that is! You can run up and down your stairs, if you have them, in your home for 5 minutes every morning! Remember, whatever you do that is physical you can turn it into exercise. Suck your belly button in as far as you can, like you are trying to touch your spine. Tighten your butt and thighs and go for it. Just for 5 minutes. That can make a huge difference. No, you do not have to do crunches for 5 minutes every morning, that would be horrible!!

Taking care of your skin is so very important. Sometimes, I am so tired I just don't take that final step before getting into bed, and then, it's boom, boom, out go the lights! But because from a young age I did workout and I did take care of my skin, just the other day I was making a report on some online thieves (if it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn't!) and the officer behind the counter said, "You're 60 years old? You don't look like you're 60 years old!" Wow! What a compliment. Don't you just hate it when people say "You look good, for your age." That for your age bit  can be dropped, okay? Thank you!

Online shopping for anti-aging products, and covering creams, creams that will even out you skin tone, and reduce age spots and wrinkles is what I am looking for. I found this online beauty store, that has all name brands and in this case with Rosapene, which is rose hip oil. It is like an online super store for beauty supplies!
Rosehip Oil will brightening your skin tone, elasticity, firmness and get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. This is an all natural solution and very good for brightening your skin tone, elasticity, firmness and get rid of fin lines and wrinkles. Rosapene is a red berry seed oil blend, which provides daily antioxidant protection and intensive nourishment to replenish softness and elasticity for healthier, younger looking skin. For a limited time you will receive a complimentary 30ml Vital Moisturizinig Cream.


I am always keeping my eyes open for great deals for you and me on beauty lotions and potions! Eat a fat burning diet that you can put together for yourself, something that fits in with your lifestyle, and use the best products you can get for your face and for your body, over all. Now, we just have to be consistent with our inside and out efforts to have a toned body and a younger, smoother face. 

Last, but not least, is your ab vacums and butt tightening exercise for firm up those muscles and fight the downward pull of gravity! An ab vacum can be done anywhere anytime...breath out all your air, pull your belly button towards your  spine and uplift your ribcage. Hold for ten seconds, and keep breathing in and out, while your tummy is tightening. Butt squeeze, while seated, simply squeeze your cheeks together repeatedly, which will give you an up and down movement. do at least  100 at a tune!

Thank you for reading and talk to you soon!