Thursday, October 18, 2012

Get a Flat and Firm Stomach


I am one of that huge generation of people known as the baby boomers! We are the largest consumer group in the nation right now.

For me, I feel like I went to a party when I was 15 and when I came home I was 43 years old and wondering, how did I end up this old? I still felt the same. I could still go out to Makaha Surfing Beach here in Hawaii and boogie board, and what a rush that is! I could still exercise like I used to and get in shape pretty quick. I still weighed in at 125 pounds and if I went as far as 130 pounds all I had to do was quit eating sweets!
Now as I am older and hopefully, wiser, I can't believe how much I weigh! I hardly eat anything and still yet, every visit to the doctor and the dreaded scale I seem to be a few pounds heavier. To make myself feel better I am down 10 pounds from my all time high, nope, I will not tell what that high was! Not even if you torture me! LOL!

In today's society we have seen Rock Stars grow older and still perform, hello, Mick Jagger! We are unique in our retirement dreams. We jump out of planes, surf big waves, purchase Harley Davidson's (right on!) even own our own planes so we can fly!
Well, I am not a Rock Star or a plane flyer, in fact I hate to fly, the last time I got on a small plane that seated 10 from Orange County in California to San Diego, CA, it took me half a day to stop shaking! I want to lose weight and keep in shape. I want to have 6 pack abs. This is totally realistic wants and are achievable to anybody, male or female, who wants to lose that fat from our bellies, or our love handles or our hips.