Sunday, March 2, 2014

Burn Fat and Reduce Signs of Aging


I have noticed the older I get, the harder it is to shed pounds, and that I need to spend time on my skin, which thankfully, both things can be tied together!

Trilogy New

I have found the greatest site for skin care and anti aging products that are all organic. You will find many brand names in this store, including Juice Beauty,  Suki, Kimberly Sayer and Afterglow, just to name a few out of at least 25!

What you eat is also key to keeping yourself trim and your skin glowing. Here are some foods that actually burn fat that you can consume; cabbage, broccoli, would you believe green tea, (why the Chinese live longer), cinnamon and kale to name a few. These things all speed up your metabolism which is what we want to do, to stay trim and firm.

Here is another myth for must do crunches to get 6 pack abs. FALSE!! How about a 5 minute a day whole body work out that not only will give you those 6 pack abs you want, but tone up your whole body, as well as working with the food you eat to speed up your metabolism! At the end of this blog send away for your gift e-book and learn exactly how to accomplish this!

Needless to say, all this good eating and speeding up of your metabolism will give your skin a glow as well. Sometimes, it is better to go easy on the make up, this is especially true for older women, since most men don't wear make up! You want to bring out your natural assets, a little eyebrow filler, maybe some mascara and some lipstick and gloss.

Specifically, when you are applying skin creams, don't just rub it all over your face in circles! Start with your neck at the bottom and use upward strokes, concentrating especially on your jaw line. Apply your cream around your lips, making a circle from upper lip under your nose around lips onto your chin. For your cheeks, start by the corners of your mouth and come up toward the side of your nose then upward and sideways over your cheek bones. Under the eyes just dot it on going from the outside of the eye in toward your nose. Gravity makes your skin fall, so always use the upward motions when apply your facial treatments.

Have fun shopping at the Beautorium! And remember, beauty starts from with in yourself and inner beauty is something only you can give yourself.