Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Beautiful Body! Get Beautiful Skin Now!

Hello from Tropical Paradise.....

And home to beautiful bodies on the beaches with beautiful skin, too! I hope that you are doing your "ab vacums" from the link in last weeks, Flat, Firm Stomach Blog. Here's a secret to exercise....this is very old, ab vacums are what are actually called isometrics and isometric exercise is simple holding in and releasing after 10-20 seconds, and you can do it on any part of your body, at any time! 

Here's the perfect combo exercise: While are sitting, watching TV, driving, at work, at your computer (Hi!), while you are doing your ab vacuum, at the same time, tighten your butt up, by squeezing your cheeks together and holding, 10 to 20 seconds, along with your ab vacuums! Now you are developing you beautiful behind as well as promoting a flat stomach!

If you have not got your bonus e-book yet, by subscribing to this blog, which is a quick start guide on how to eat to maximize the burning of fat, which isometrics can not accomplish! Darn! Yes, the foods you want to eat to burn fat and the foods that you want to stay away from are all in your bonus book. One tip that helps: one half hour before eating, eat a half a grapefruit, it will help your body to burn fat faster. Another tip: if at all possible for you, try to do your total body exercise in the morning before breakfast. This will actually raise your body's metabolism for the whole day, energize you and burn calories faster!

So what do you do with the rest of you, your skin? You are eating a healthy diet, so your skin should be getting all the nutrients it needs, right? Even so, how you care for your skin is so important. Keeping your face clean and moisturized properly is key, and it is best to start when you are young, as now, as an "older woman" and hindsight being 20/20, I am glad that I did care for my skin, at least off an on through out my life. I don't look my age! And I don't feel it either! (Well, okay, sometimes life can wear me down.)

If you wear make up, make sure that you are getting the proper ingredients in your make up that help your skin, not clog your pores. You need to remove your make up every night, and use a good moisturizer prior to going to bed. The best time to apply moisturizer to any part of your body is after a bath, shower or washing/soaking. You sleep and the moisture is absorbed better at night than it is during the day.

This line of Skin Care products I am going to introduce you to is called Juice Beauty. All natural ingredients and they carry the whole line of skin care products that anybody could possibly imagine or want! You can find them by clicking on the banner below: FREE SAMPLES

I thank you for reading! If you liked this blog and want to get your bonus e-book on Fast Start to Fat Burning, please fill out the box below and I will send it to your inbox every week. Talk to you soon!

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