Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Easy Way to Lose Weight and Tone Up!

I know. Why on the day before Thanksgiving would anybody want to read a blog about losing weight and toning up? I mean, we are going to eat so much tomorrow, in Thanksgiving for all the blessings and bounty of what we have, that we will be full for days!

Well this is the good news! We can all have an over eat or if you like, a cheat day, when you read Micheal Geary's e-book, The Truth About Abs! He doesn't give you a "diet" to lose weight, he gives you information about the foods you eat, and which foods are great for burning fat and promoting lean muscle. Yes, and we can cheat one day a week! You can customize his nutrition advice and exercise advice and tailor it to your specific needs and lifestyle.

To summarize, here are some things that you can try:

Eat 5-6 small meals per day about every 3 hours. Try to make your portion sizes equal!

Plan your meals for the entire week. When you shop, you will only buy the food you will be eating, so if you don't have junk food around, you won't eat it!

Figure out how many calories you can eat daily to lose weight.

If you exercise in the morning before you eat breakfast, you will speed up your metabolism for the whole day! Easier said than done, don't I know it! But it will also help you out mentally, and you will feel good both physically and mentally!

Here is a short list of some foods that will help you to burn fat and gain muscle tone:

Yes it is true, an apple a day!
Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice
Sprouted Grain Bread

There are a lot more, of course, but it is Mike that writes the book, I am merely a student trying to balance my out of shape body back into, well, the best shape I can get in to!

Basically, we need to re educate ourselves on what is good for us and what is not! You can get a copy of my complimentary e-book by filling out the form below. It is a sample of what you will receive when you order the Truth About Abs. There are so many bonuses that come with this book!

Now, remember also, that everything that you do can be turned into exercise. Even cooking that Thanksgiving Turkey and doing all the clean up before and after! I always ask myself,  why do I clean my home prior to having Thanksgiving just to clean it again after? That work will count as exercise!

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