Friday, December 21, 2012

Eating To Burn Fat


Well, the Holiday Season is totally upon us with all of it's wonderful  and temptations! Don't worry, relax, enjoy! I am not talking about going on a diet to lose weight here, I am talking about teaching yourself how to eat foods that will help you to burn fat and promote lean muscle. You want 6 pack abs? Stop doing crunches! Everything I have learned in the Truth About Abs by Mike Geary, a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, has totally changed my whole outlook on what to eat and how to exercise. And it is really not hard at all.  At any age! Click Here!
Are you aware that some foods you think are unhealthy are actually good for you, and help your body to burn abdominal fat? For instance eggs, and yes, including the yolks! On the other hand, whole grain, which we are told is good for us, might actually be making you gain more body fat, making you sluggish! Unfortunately, Red Velvet Cake is not one of those foods that help us to burn fat! Too bad, I could be really toned up and buff!

Other foods marketed as "healthy" such as soy milk, soy protein, and other processed soy products contain specific concentrated compounds that can cause something in your body referred to as "stubborn belly fat"?

As far as what food to not eat, the first one I'd like to warn you about is "whole grains". 

This includes whole grain bread, bagels, muffins, pasta, and more. You probably already know that refined grains like white bread are bad for you... but I bet you think that “whole grains” are good for you and can help you to lose fat. Well, this could be a big mistake holding you back from a lean body and flat stomach.

This will probably shock you but three foods you should stop eating are: corn, soy and wheat! And I thought those were healthy! These are three so called healthy foods.

Currently, the average adult eating a typical modern western diet in countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, etc consumes approximately 67% of their total caloric intake from only 3 foods -- CORN, SOY, AND WHEAT (and their derivatives).

If you are serious about eating more healthy and eating fat burning foods, I will send you a complimentary e-book written by my associate, Mike Geary along with some informative emails that will give you a great starting point for the body you want, male or female, age 20 or age 70!

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