Sunday, March 2, 2014

Burn Fat and Reduce Signs of Aging


I have noticed the older I get, the harder it is to shed pounds, and that I need to spend time on my skin, which thankfully, both things can be tied together!

Trilogy New

I have found the greatest site for skin care and anti aging products that are all organic. You will find many brand names in this store, including Juice Beauty,  Suki, Kimberly Sayer and Afterglow, just to name a few out of at least 25!

What you eat is also key to keeping yourself trim and your skin glowing. Here are some foods that actually burn fat that you can consume; cabbage, broccoli, would you believe green tea, (why the Chinese live longer), cinnamon and kale to name a few. These things all speed up your metabolism which is what we want to do, to stay trim and firm.

Here is another myth for must do crunches to get 6 pack abs. FALSE!! How about a 5 minute a day whole body work out that not only will give you those 6 pack abs you want, but tone up your whole body, as well as working with the food you eat to speed up your metabolism! At the end of this blog send away for your gift e-book and learn exactly how to accomplish this!

Needless to say, all this good eating and speeding up of your metabolism will give your skin a glow as well. Sometimes, it is better to go easy on the make up, this is especially true for older women, since most men don't wear make up! You want to bring out your natural assets, a little eyebrow filler, maybe some mascara and some lipstick and gloss.

Specifically, when you are applying skin creams, don't just rub it all over your face in circles! Start with your neck at the bottom and use upward strokes, concentrating especially on your jaw line. Apply your cream around your lips, making a circle from upper lip under your nose around lips onto your chin. For your cheeks, start by the corners of your mouth and come up toward the side of your nose then upward and sideways over your cheek bones. Under the eyes just dot it on going from the outside of the eye in toward your nose. Gravity makes your skin fall, so always use the upward motions when apply your facial treatments.

Have fun shopping at the Beautorium! And remember, beauty starts from with in yourself and inner beauty is something only you can give yourself.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Tone Up Your Abs and Refresh Your Skin....Naturally

Aloha to my readers!

Happy New Year to you! I really apologize for this blog being so late, but we are moving our home and I am finding it hard to get enough time online. I hope that you all received the bonus e-book you should have received today "Quick Start to Weight Loss," written by Michael Geary, who is a nutritionist and personal trainer, and really knows what he is talking about. You have always heard beauty is from the inside out, right? Well, it is so true, you are what you eat! I could eat Pizza every night for a week! And absolutely love it! All I need to do is eat the foods that help to burn fat, and have my pizza one night a week that I give myself to cheat!!

What was really interesting to me is that you want to workout prior to eating. There are a few reasons for this. When you workout you raise your metabolism.The best time to work out is in the morning and eat your post work out meal after that.What you eat after your work out is the MOST Important meal of your day! The book itself that you now have in your possession gets very technical and tells you exactly why you need to replenish the carbs and muscle glycogen. By doing a full body 5 minute workout, yes even that short, will keep your metabolism burning those calories away at a faster rate for the whole day!

What do you love to do? I love to dance! I have always loved to dance. I just plain love music and dancing. What a great stress reliever that is! You can run up and down your stairs, if you have them, in your home for 5 minutes every morning! Remember, whatever you do that is physical you can turn it into exercise. Suck your belly button in as far as you can, like you are trying to touch your spine. Tighten your butt and thighs and go for it. Just for 5 minutes. That can make a huge difference. No, you do not have to do crunches for 5 minutes every morning, that would be horrible!!

Taking care of your skin is so very important. Sometimes, I am so tired I just don't take that final step before getting into bed, and then, it's boom, boom, out go the lights! But because from a young age I did workout and I did take care of my skin, just the other day I was making a report on some online thieves (if it sounds to good to be true, it probably isn't!) and the officer behind the counter said, "You're 60 years old? You don't look like you're 60 years old!" Wow! What a compliment. Don't you just hate it when people say "You look good, for your age." That for your age bit  can be dropped, okay? Thank you!

Online shopping for anti-aging products, and covering creams, creams that will even out you skin tone, and reduce age spots and wrinkles is what I am looking for. I found this online beauty store, that has all name brands and in this case with Rosapene, which is rose hip oil. It is like an online super store for beauty supplies!
Rosehip Oil will brightening your skin tone, elasticity, firmness and get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. This is an all natural solution and very good for brightening your skin tone, elasticity, firmness and get rid of fin lines and wrinkles. Rosapene is a red berry seed oil blend, which provides daily antioxidant protection and intensive nourishment to replenish softness and elasticity for healthier, younger looking skin. For a limited time you will receive a complimentary 30ml Vital Moisturizinig Cream.


I am always keeping my eyes open for great deals for you and me on beauty lotions and potions! Eat a fat burning diet that you can put together for yourself, something that fits in with your lifestyle, and use the best products you can get for your face and for your body, over all. Now, we just have to be consistent with our inside and out efforts to have a toned body and a younger, smoother face. 

Last, but not least, is your ab vacums and butt tightening exercise for firm up those muscles and fight the downward pull of gravity! An ab vacum can be done anywhere anytime...breath out all your air, pull your belly button towards your  spine and uplift your ribcage. Hold for ten seconds, and keep breathing in and out, while your tummy is tightening. Butt squeeze, while seated, simply squeeze your cheeks together repeatedly, which will give you an up and down movement. do at least  100 at a tune!

Thank you for reading and talk to you soon!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Beautiful Body! Get Beautiful Skin Now!

Hello from Tropical Paradise.....

And home to beautiful bodies on the beaches with beautiful skin, too! I hope that you are doing your "ab vacums" from the link in last weeks, Flat, Firm Stomach Blog. Here's a secret to exercise....this is very old, ab vacums are what are actually called isometrics and isometric exercise is simple holding in and releasing after 10-20 seconds, and you can do it on any part of your body, at any time! 

Here's the perfect combo exercise: While are sitting, watching TV, driving, at work, at your computer (Hi!), while you are doing your ab vacuum, at the same time, tighten your butt up, by squeezing your cheeks together and holding, 10 to 20 seconds, along with your ab vacuums! Now you are developing you beautiful behind as well as promoting a flat stomach!

If you have not got your bonus e-book yet, by subscribing to this blog, which is a quick start guide on how to eat to maximize the burning of fat, which isometrics can not accomplish! Darn! Yes, the foods you want to eat to burn fat and the foods that you want to stay away from are all in your bonus book. One tip that helps: one half hour before eating, eat a half a grapefruit, it will help your body to burn fat faster. Another tip: if at all possible for you, try to do your total body exercise in the morning before breakfast. This will actually raise your body's metabolism for the whole day, energize you and burn calories faster!

So what do you do with the rest of you, your skin? You are eating a healthy diet, so your skin should be getting all the nutrients it needs, right? Even so, how you care for your skin is so important. Keeping your face clean and moisturized properly is key, and it is best to start when you are young, as now, as an "older woman" and hindsight being 20/20, I am glad that I did care for my skin, at least off an on through out my life. I don't look my age! And I don't feel it either! (Well, okay, sometimes life can wear me down.)

If you wear make up, make sure that you are getting the proper ingredients in your make up that help your skin, not clog your pores. You need to remove your make up every night, and use a good moisturizer prior to going to bed. The best time to apply moisturizer to any part of your body is after a bath, shower or washing/soaking. You sleep and the moisture is absorbed better at night than it is during the day.

This line of Skin Care products I am going to introduce you to is called Juice Beauty. All natural ingredients and they carry the whole line of skin care products that anybody could possibly imagine or want! You can find them by clicking on the banner below: FREE SAMPLES

I thank you for reading! If you liked this blog and want to get your bonus e-book on Fast Start to Fat Burning, please fill out the box below and I will send it to your inbox every week. Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Excess Abdominal Fat is Dangerous to Your Health!!

Many of us, men and women, have that excess ugly belly fat and love handles. I already know I don’t like the way it looks, the way it makes my clothes fit, but I DIDN’T know if was actually DANGEROUS to  my health!
As much as 70% of our population are either overweight or obese, However, most of us don’t realize the health dangers. There are two kinds of fat in our abdomens. Subcutaneous fat is the one that keeps our abs from being visible and lies directly below the skin. The second type of fat is called visceral fat that lies deeper in the abdomen beneath your mucscle and surrounding your organs. It also plays a role in giving certain men that “beer belly” look, where the stomach sticks out but feels hard when you press it.
Visceral fat is more dangerous than subcutaneous fat. Both types are dangerous and greatly increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke…..and the list gets longer! So there’s our problem, what is the solution?

There is no quick fix! No ab rollers, ab rockers, or belts that will get rid of ugly belly fat. You can not just spot reduce your stomach it doesn’t work that way. You need to combine a sound nutritious diet along with an exercise plan designed for you that will stimulate the hormonal and metabolic response within your body.
I have had five abdominal surgeries in my life. The last two made me look like I was pregnant! I had to wear my husband’s shorts! I had always thought my stomach was fat, but now, when I see pictures 10 to 15 years ago, I looked good! I had abs! You could see them. It has been 18 months since the last surgery and finally my stomach is coming back down, I don’t know if it will ever be like it used to be, that is a lot of slicing and dicing through both kinds of fat! But by educating myself on foods that help burn fat, foods to stay away from and total body workouts, with some resistance training.
Here is something I do all the time! You can flatten your stomach while you are driving, sitting watching t.v., at work, really anytime any place. Go to this link:
Learn the truth about losing you stomach fat permanently by reading Mike Geary’s book, The Truth About Abs.
Thank you for reading! Please leave your comments amd suggestions. You can get a bonus e-book and this blog delivered directly to your in box by filling out the form below.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Holiday Recipes For Flat Stomachs!


You have a recipe for eggnog? One for turkey, roast beef or ham? How about those mashed potatoes and gravy? Yummy, yummy, yummy, look at my big fat tummy!

It is okay to eat at the Holidays and enjoy yourself! I have a few secrets I can share with you! You can still lose fat, and still tone up your body and enjoy your holiday treats!

One great method I love is use a smaller plate. That way you load it up and eat it all, slowly now, eat slow and you fill up faster! This is actually a good trick year round!
Now in the Truth About  Abs, written by Mike Geary, who is a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, you actually feel like you are getting a personal trainer. Straight up, what foods burn fat, what foods cause fats, how fat multiplies, (real scary stuff, that!) and a simple 5 minute a day total all over body exercise customized to you! Exercise for a flat tummy without doing a single crunch! Crunches can actually make your stomach bigger, if you are not doing them right! We want a flat, firm, six pack abdominal muscle, not a hard pot belly!  Holiday dinners that include veggies such as cauliflower, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and spinach are all great to eat and help to you to stay trim!

When you are cleaning up after a Holiday party or family dinner, remember tighten those abdominal muscles! Try to make your belly button touch your spine. Don't forget to breathe! Focus on your stomach muscles while you are doing the clean up, the decorating, the last minute running around.

Another silly thing to do, but it works to keep your body toned, is kind of do a slow jog or a little dance around your house instead of just walking from room to room. This is really funny to others that are around you, too, and laughing is great medicine.!

So do a little dance, suck in your tummy, and enjoy the Holidays! You can get a complimentary e-book by filling in the form below!

Happy Holidays!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Eating To Burn Fat


Well, the Holiday Season is totally upon us with all of it's wonderful  and temptations! Don't worry, relax, enjoy! I am not talking about going on a diet to lose weight here, I am talking about teaching yourself how to eat foods that will help you to burn fat and promote lean muscle. You want 6 pack abs? Stop doing crunches! Everything I have learned in the Truth About Abs by Mike Geary, a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, has totally changed my whole outlook on what to eat and how to exercise. And it is really not hard at all.  At any age! Click Here!
Are you aware that some foods you think are unhealthy are actually good for you, and help your body to burn abdominal fat? For instance eggs, and yes, including the yolks! On the other hand, whole grain, which we are told is good for us, might actually be making you gain more body fat, making you sluggish! Unfortunately, Red Velvet Cake is not one of those foods that help us to burn fat! Too bad, I could be really toned up and buff!

Other foods marketed as "healthy" such as soy milk, soy protein, and other processed soy products contain specific concentrated compounds that can cause something in your body referred to as "stubborn belly fat"?

As far as what food to not eat, the first one I'd like to warn you about is "whole grains". 

This includes whole grain bread, bagels, muffins, pasta, and more. You probably already know that refined grains like white bread are bad for you... but I bet you think that “whole grains” are good for you and can help you to lose fat. Well, this could be a big mistake holding you back from a lean body and flat stomach.

This will probably shock you but three foods you should stop eating are: corn, soy and wheat! And I thought those were healthy! These are three so called healthy foods.

Currently, the average adult eating a typical modern western diet in countries such as the US, Canada, Australia, etc consumes approximately 67% of their total caloric intake from only 3 foods -- CORN, SOY, AND WHEAT (and their derivatives).

If you are serious about eating more healthy and eating fat burning foods, I will send you a complimentary e-book written by my associate, Mike Geary along with some informative emails that will give you a great starting point for the body you want, male or female, age 20 or age 70!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Easy Way to Lose Weight and Tone Up!

I know. Why on the day before Thanksgiving would anybody want to read a blog about losing weight and toning up? I mean, we are going to eat so much tomorrow, in Thanksgiving for all the blessings and bounty of what we have, that we will be full for days!

Well this is the good news! We can all have an over eat or if you like, a cheat day, when you read Micheal Geary's e-book, The Truth About Abs! He doesn't give you a "diet" to lose weight, he gives you information about the foods you eat, and which foods are great for burning fat and promoting lean muscle. Yes, and we can cheat one day a week! You can customize his nutrition advice and exercise advice and tailor it to your specific needs and lifestyle.

To summarize, here are some things that you can try:

Eat 5-6 small meals per day about every 3 hours. Try to make your portion sizes equal!

Plan your meals for the entire week. When you shop, you will only buy the food you will be eating, so if you don't have junk food around, you won't eat it!

Figure out how many calories you can eat daily to lose weight.

If you exercise in the morning before you eat breakfast, you will speed up your metabolism for the whole day! Easier said than done, don't I know it! But it will also help you out mentally, and you will feel good both physically and mentally!

Here is a short list of some foods that will help you to burn fat and gain muscle tone:

Yes it is true, an apple a day!
Sweet Potatoes
Brown Rice
Sprouted Grain Bread

There are a lot more, of course, but it is Mike that writes the book, I am merely a student trying to balance my out of shape body back into, well, the best shape I can get in to!

Basically, we need to re educate ourselves on what is good for us and what is not! You can get a copy of my complimentary e-book by filling out the form below. It is a sample of what you will receive when you order the Truth About Abs. There are so many bonuses that come with this book!

Now, remember also, that everything that you do can be turned into exercise. Even cooking that Thanksgiving Turkey and doing all the clean up before and after! I always ask myself,  why do I clean my home prior to having Thanksgiving just to clean it again after? That work will count as exercise!